Watch this page for profiles of all speakers for IHC 2015. We will update this page periodically. If you have received an acceptance letter for presenting, please make sure to send us the following:

1. A brief profile/bio 150 words.

Please send us a short profile of 150 words in Hindi or English (preferably both) that includes your title/position and main area of work, and key contribution to the field. This will be posted on the Speakers page.

2. A hi-resolution head shot photo of yours (tiff or jpeg image file).

3. Brief summary/abstract of your presentation (300 words or less). These will be posted on the Documents page.

Please send the text content in the body of the email (especially if in Hindi) and attach the same as a Word Doc. Email the above items to hindiconferencenyc@gmail.com.

Thank you for following these guidelines as your profile, photo and summary of your presentation will be posted on this page and used for preparing other conference materials. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you,
The Organizing Team.


Example of Bio/Profile in Hindi and English:

सुषमा मल्होत्रा न्यू यॉर्क शहर के शिक्षा विभाग जिला 79 मेंएक सहायक प्रधानाचार्य के रूप में काम करती हैं। इससे पहले वह न्यू यॉर्क शहर के शिक्षा विभाग के केंद्रीय कार्यालय में अंग्रेजी भाषा की निर्देशात्मक सहायता विशेषज्ञ के रूप में काम करती थीं. उन्होंने भारत में सीमा सुरक्षा बल हायर सेकेंडरी स्कूल, जालंधर, सेक्रेड हार्ट कॉन्वेंट स्कूल, लुधियाना में शिक्षिका के रूप में काम किया, और फिर डी ए वी पब्लिक स्कूल में प्रधानाचार्य के रूप में, कुल्लू, हिमाचलप्रदेश में,कामकिया। वे 1996  से अखिल विश्व हिन्दी समिति की सांस्कृतिक सचिव के रूप में काम कर रही हैं। उन्होंने २००६ में न्यू यॉर्क में अंग्रेजी के अलावा हिंदी और पंजाबी में परीक्षाएं प्रारम्भ कीं। क्वींस के जॉन एडम हाई स्कूल में मूल भाषा के रूप में हिंदी शिक्षण शुरू कराया। सन 2009 से स्टार टॉक कार्यक्रम निर्देशित कर रही हैं जिसके तहत सैकड़ों विरासत और गैर भारतीय बच्चे हिन्दी सीख रहे हैं।

Sushma Malhotra works as an Assistant Principal in New York City Department of Education in District 79. She worked as an English Language Learner Instructional Support Specialist at New York City Department of Education central office. In India, she worked as teacher in Border Security Force Higher Secondary School, Jalandhar, Sacred Heart Convent School, Ludhiana, and then worked as a Principal at DAV Public School, Kulu, HP.  She has been associated with Akhil Vishwa Hindi Samiti, NY as a cultural secretary since 1996.  In 2006, she initiated Hindi and Punjabi Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Regents examination for the New York State Department of Education.  She initiated Hindi teaching  as a native language at John Adam High school, Queens, NY. She was a Hindi language delegate for the New York State Association of Bilingual Education (NYSABE) for last five years. She has been directing the STARTALK Summer Hindi language program since 2009 where hundreds of students have been trained to communicate in Hindi. She authored a Hindi poetry book, Anjuli Bhar Pushap, published by Akhil Vishva hindi Samiti, New York.

Profiles of Speakers (in alphabetical order by last name)

Dr. Bindeshwari Aggarwal, New York University, New York

न्यू यॉर्क विश्वविद्यालय में हिंदी की प्राध्यापिका और प्रसिद्ध हास्य कवियित्री डॉ. बिंदु अग्रवाल का शोध हिंदी कवि पं. जगदम्बा प्रसाद मिश्र " हितैषी" पर है। समस्त अमेरिका में वे सम्मेलनों में आमंत्रित होती रही हैं। बिंदु जी न्यू यॉर्क की संस्था "अखिल विश्व हिन्दी समिति से" जुडी हैं जिसकी पत्रिका " सौरभ " की सहसम्पादिका और प्रचार मंत्री हैं। हिन्दी सेवा के लिए अमेरिका और भारत में विशेष रूप से सम्मानित बिंदु जी हिंदी सम्मलेन के दौरान कवि सम्मलेन के संचालन की जिम्मेदारी निभा रही हैं। 




Dr. Susham Bedi, Writer, Columbia University, New York

Susham Bedi is a leading South Asian (Indian) author of novels, short stories and poetry. She has taught language and literature at the department of Middle Eastern and Asian Languages and Cultures  (MEALAC) at Columbia University, New York. She writes predominantly about the experiences of Indians in the South Asian diaspora, focusing on psychological and 'interior' cultural conflicts. In January, 2006 she was honored by Sahitya Academy in Delthi for her contributions to Hindi literature.

Dr. Baburam


Anoop Bhargava

Anoop Bhargava, is a technology professional and poet by heart. He did his Chemical Engineering from B.I.T.S. Pilani and Post-Graduation in Information Technology from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Anoop came to United States in 1983. He was instrumental in bringing good poetry to America by inviting well-known poets and organizing Kavi Sammelan. He founded a Yahoo group called ‘eKavita’ to share and spread poetry thru the use of emails. He writes his poetry blog at http://anoopbhargava.blogspot.com/

अनूप भार्गव अपने व्यवसाय में तकनीक से जुड़े हैं लेकिन मन से कवि हैं । उन्होंने ’बिरला तकनीकी एवं विज्ञान संस्थान, पिलानी से ’केमिकल इंजिनयिंग’ और ’भारतीय प्राद्योगिकी संस्थान’ (आई.आई.टी.) दिल्ली से कम्प्यूटर टेकनोलोजी में परास्नातक की उपाधि प्राप्त की । अनूप ९ वर्ष की उम्र से कविता लिख रहे हैं । उन की पहली कविता १३ वर्ष की उम्र में एक साहित्यिक पत्रिका में प्रकाशित हुई । वह तब से लगातार लिख रहे हैं और उन्हें अपने कौलेज के दिनों में कविता के लिये कई अखिल भारतीय स्तर पर पुरुस्कार भी मिले ।

Dr. Ved Chaudhary

Dr. Ved Chaudhary co-founded Educators Society for Heritage of India, which conducts programs to teach Hindi and Indian culture to heritage students including a STARTALK program. Dr Chaudhary co-founded the Indian American Forum for Political Education, NJ Chapter, to stop 'Dotbusters', a gang involved in hate crime.  A Hate Crimes bill was passed by the New Jersey legislature and signed into law by the Governor in 1991.



Dr. Neeraj Kumar Chaurasia, IIT Delhi

Dr. Neeraj Chaurasia, Deputy Librarian, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi), is also the Coordinator, Core Group (Rajbhasha). He obtained his Ph.D. in Library & Information Science from Sagar University, M.P. He served at Sahitya Akademi, ACBR-University of Delhi, India Habitat Centre and Developing Library Network (DELNET), New Delhi. His area of interest includes – Professional Administration of Libraries, Web-based Library Services, RFID implementation, eResources Consortia management, Library Networks, eBooks, Digitization, and other automation related activities in Libraries.

Mary Curran

Mary Curran is the Associate Dean of Local-Global Partnerships at the Graduate School of Education, at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.  She is also a faculty member in language education.  Her research interests are in the areas of community and international collaborations, language teacher education, and culturally responsive pedagogy.  She has published in journals such as TESOL Quarterly, Journal of Teacher Education, Learning Languages, and others.  For the past eight years, she has received STARTALK grants to foster the development of Chinese language teachers.



Kaitlin D'Agostino


Kaitlin D'Agostino is an AMESALL alumna who now works at TransPerfect Translations as a project manager for legal and technical documents.  She specializes as a reference for several Spanish and French, as well as Hindi and Arabic in her department.  In addition, she also works as a ES>EN and EN>ES translator/ interpreter for legal and political documents.  This is her second year participating in the conference and her third year working with Hindi.


Vinod Dua

Vinod Dua is one of the best known names of the Indian media. He has been the face of Indian television since 1974. He has seen and been associated with Indian television’s transition from a government controlled, black and white, single-channel entity to the present-day multi-channel transnational satellite TV industry. A veteran of thousands of hours of telecasting, Vinod Dua is an anchor, political commentator, election analyst, producer and director. Vinod Dua became household name for anchoring programs like Aap Ke Liye, Janvani , Chakravyuha, Tasveer-e-Hind , Chunav Chunauti , Pratidin, Parakh and Kaun Banega Mukhyamantri. He was the first electronic media journalist awarded by esteemed BD Goenka Award for excellence in journalism in 1996. He was awarded the Padma Shri for Journalism in 2008 by Government of India.


Dr. Anand Dwivedi

Dr. Anand Dwivedi, is currently serving as Director, Hindi Language and Culture Program,The Joseph H. Lauder Institute of Management & International Studies, University of Pennsylvania. Prior to joining Lauder Institute, he served as the Associate Director at the South Asia Center, Syracuse University. Anand is an ACTFL certified OPI tester for Hindi and has served as a language specialist for assessment projects for the Defense Language Institute as well as material development projects for ACTFL's Heritage Learners.

आनन्द द्विवेदी जोसेफ लाउडर इंस्टीच्यूट ऑफ़ मैनेजमेंट और इंटरनेशनल स्टडीज, यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ़ पेन्सिलवेनिया में हिंदी भाषा और संस्कृति कार्यक्रम के निदेशक पर कार्यरत हैं। इससे पूर्व सिराक्यूज विश्वविद्यालय के दक्षिण एशिया केंद्र के सह-निदेशक के पद कार्यरत रह चुके हैं। हिंदी भाषा के शिक्षण और मूल्यांकन से संबंधित कई परियोजनाओं से भी भाषा-विशेषज्ञ के रूप में जुड़े रहे हैं और भाषा से संबंधित कई पेशेवर संगठन जैसे ACTFL, NCOLTCL, SALTA और NEALT के सदस्य हैं.

Dr. Gabriela Nik. Ilieva

Gabbie-headshot copy.jpg

Dr. Gabriela Nik. Ilieva, Clinical Professor, Department of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Coordinator of the Hindi and Urdu Programs, New York University, teaches Hindi language courses, as well as Ancient Indian Literature and Modern South Asian Literature courses. In 2007 she received Golden Dozen Teaching Award, NYU.
डॉ. गब्रिएला निक इलिएवा सी. प्रोफेसर न्यूयोर्क विश्वविद्यालय के मध्य एशिया और इस्लाम के अध्ययन के विभाग में हिन्दी और उर्दू कार्यक्रमों की संयोजिका है। हिन्दी भाषा पाठ्यक्रम के अतिरिक्त प्राचीन भारतीय साहित्य औ‌र आधुनिक दक्षिण एशिया का साहित्य भी पढ़ाती है। सन् २००७ में गब्रियेला को गोल्डेन डोजन पुरस्कार न्यू यॉर्क विश्वविद्यालय से सम्मानित किया गया।




Dr. Vijay Gambhir

डॉ. विजय गंभीर तीन दशक से भी अधिक समय तक यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ़ पेन्सिल्वेनिया के दक्षिण एशिया विभाग में प्राचार्य रहीं। वहाँ उन्होंने हिन्दी भाषा, भाषा-विज्ञान, हिन्दी- उर्दू शिक्षण शास्त्र, और भारतीय साहित्य से संबंधित कई कोर्स पढ़ाये।  उनकी पी.एच.डी. भाषा विज्ञान में पेन्सिलवेनिया विश्वविद्यालय से ही है। 2008 में सेवा निवृत्ति के बाद भी वे निरन्तर द्वितीय भाषा से जुड़े शोध में रत हैं । उनके प्रकाशनों में 'Teaching and Acquisition of South Asian Languages’, यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ़ पेनसिल्वेनिया प्रेस द्वारा प्रकाशित पुस्तक,  for more than three decades. लय येगाऔर अनेक शोध-लेख सम्मिलत हैं जो राष्ट्रीय और अंतरराष्ट्रीय मान्यता-प्राप्त पत्रिकाओं और शोध-ग्रन्थों में छपे हैं। उनकी अन्य कृतियों में ‘नई दिशाएं नए लोग’ (New Directions New People), नामक हिंदी शिक्षण की लोकप्रिय सामग्री उल्लेखनीय है। इस विडियो और वेब के रूप में उपलब्ध सामग्री की वे सह-लेखक व सह-निर्माता हैं। डा. गंभीर ने कई भारतीय भाषाओं व अन्य भाषाओं के शिक्षकों को अमरीका और भारत में प्रवीणता आधारित शिक्षण और मूल्यांकन के लिए प्रशिक्षण दिया है। उनके नेतृत्व में हिन्दी भाषा-शिक्षण को मानक रूप देने के लिए Hindi Proficiency Guidelines और  World-Readiness Standards for Learning Hindi जैसे महत्तवपूर्ण दस्तावेज़ तैयार किए गए हैं। वे अनेक स्थानीय और राष्ट्रीय समितियों की सदस्य और सलाहकार रही हैं, जैसे - नेशनल फ़ॉरन लैंगवेज सेंटर, डिफ़ेंस लैंगवेज इंस्टीट्यूट, कैपिटल नेशनल फ़ॉरन लैंगवेज रिसोर्स सेंटर, नेशनल कौंसिल ऑफ़ लैस कामनली टॉट लैंगवेजिज़, और हिन्दी उर्दू फ़्लैगशिप प्रोग्राम। आजकल वे कई हिंदी-उर्दू स्टारटॉक छात्र और शिक्षक-प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रमों में सलाहकार हैं।

Dr. Vijay Gambhir holds a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania where she taught a variety of courses in language, linguistics, Hindi-Urdu pedagogy, and literature in the department of South Asia Studies for more than three decades. She retired in 2008 but she is still pursuing research projects in the field of second language teaching & acquisition. Her publications include ‘Teaching and Acquisition of South Asian Languages’ an edited volume by the University of Pennsylvania Press and many scholarly articles published in recognized national and international journals and books. She is the co-author and producer of a popular set of Hindi instructional materials "New Directions New People" available in text, video and web formats. Dr. Gambhir is a leader in the field of pedagogy and has trained many South Asian and other less commonly taught language teachers for proficiency-based instruction and assessment. The Hindi Proficiency Guidelines and the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Hindi have been developed under her leadership. She has served on many local and national committees, and she has provided consultation to several institutions including National Foreign Language Center, Defense Language Institute, National Council on the Teaching of Less Commonly Taught Languages, National Capital Language Resource Center, and Hindi Urdu Flagship Program. Currently, she is providing consultation to some Hindi-Urdu STARTALK student and teacher-training programs.

Dr. Surendra Gambhir, University of Pennsylvania and Chairman, Yuva Hindi Sansthan

डा० सुरेन्द्र गंभीर – यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ़ पेन्सिल्वेनिया (1973-2008); शोध का विषय – आप्रवासी भारतीयों की भाषाओं का संरक्षण और ह्रास;  सेवा-निवृत्त होने के बाद युवा हिन्दी संस्थान के संस्थापक-सभापति और स्टारटॉक कार्यक्रमों के सलाहकार।
Dr. Surendra Gambhir, who served as a distinguished member of the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania between 1973 and 2008, is the recipient of many awards, with the most recent one from the President of India for his  language related research about  India, the Caribbean, Mauritius and the United States. He is the founding Chairman of Yuva Hindi Sansthan and consultant to STARTALK programs.

Asher Ghertner, South Asian Studies Program, Rutgers University

Asher Ghertner first studied Hindi as an undergraduate during a semester abroad in Jaipur. His visit to India at the time led him to switch his academic focus from Environmental Science, in which he earned a BA from Colby College, to Geography and Development Studies, his current research areas. As an MA and PhD student at UC-Berkeley, Ghertner studied intermediate and advanced Hindi and also was awarded a fellowship from the American Institute of Indian Studies to complete its year-long Hindi Language Program in Jaipur. Ghertner began his PhD research at this time on the life and struggles of slum residents in Delhi. His PhD focused on the politics of slum demolition and eviction in Delhi in the lead-up to the 2010 Commonwealth Games. Based on two years of ethnographic research conducted primarily in Hindi, Ghertner spent time with slum residents threatened by demolition, as well as with the planners, judges, neighborhood associations, and politicians who targeted them. After completing his PhD in 2010, Ghertner was an assistant professor in the Department of Geography and Environment at the London School of Economics. He joined the Department of Geography at Rutgers University in 2012 and has served as the director of the Rutgers South Asian Studies Program since 2013. Ghertner has published widely on urban social movements, governance, slum housing, environmental law, and property in India. His book, Rule by Aesthetics: World-Class City Making in Delhi, is coming out this summer with Oxford University Press (OUP) and will be released with OUP-India later in 2015.

Charles Häberl
Associate Professor and Chair, Rutgers, The state University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ E-mail:haberl@rutgers.edu

Dr. Häberl is Chair and Associate Professor at the Department of African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian Languages and Literatures (AMESALL). He was born and raised in the State of New Jersey, and received his PhD in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations from Harvard University. In addition to teaching Arabic and Aramaic language courses at AMESALL, he also teaches content courses on the modern Middle East in the Middle Eastern Studies Program (MESP), and served as the Director of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies from 2009-2012.
In the past he has served as an Undergraduate Fulbright Faculty Advisor and member of the Advisory Committee for Study Abroad Programs in the Middle East at Rutgers, as well as a juror and panelist for the United States Department of State's "Critical Language Scholarships for Intensive Summer Institutes". He is currently serving as Near East Regional Director for the Endangered Languages Catalogue. Together with James McGrath of Butler University, he received two NEH grants to create a critical edition and translation of the Mandaean Book of John, in 2010 and again in 2012.
Dr. Häberl's primary academic focus is upon the languages of the Middle East, both ancient and modern, and ethnic, linguistic, and religious minorities from the region. He has conducted field work with speakers of several different Semitic and Iranian languages, which has resulted in a monograph on the Neo-Mandaic dialect of Khorramshahr. He is a member of the American Oriental Society (AOS), the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), and the North American Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics (NACAL). He is a frequent attendee and occasional speaker at their annual meetings, and has convened the NACAL annual meeting on three occasions (San Antonio, 2007, Chicago, 2008, and at Rutgers in 2012).
Select Publications
Afroasiatic Studies in Memory of Robert Hetzron: Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the North American Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics, ed. Charles G. Haberl (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2009)
The Neo-Mandaic Dialect of Khorramshahr, Semitic Viva, ed. Otto Jastrow (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009)
The Great Treasure of the Mandaeans, a new edition of J. Heinrich Petermann’s Thesaurus s.Liber Magni, with a new introduction and a translation of the original preface by Charles G. Häberl, ed. Jorunn J. Buckley and Charles G. Häberl (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, 2007)
"Iranian Scripts for Aramaic Languages", in the Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 341 (2006): 21-30


DR. Prakash Hindustani डॉ. प्रकाश हिन्दुस्तानी

Prakash Hindustani is pioneer of Hindi web journalism.    He is The  First and formost editor of  first Hindi language web portal www.webdunia.com.  He is well known journalist, Blogger and social media activist.  He is Having masters degree in journalism from Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication, Bhopal and  obtained his PhD  in Web Journalism from  prestigious Devi Ahilya University, Indore.   Prakash Hindustani Have more then 30 years of experience in Hindi journalism across print, television and internet media.   For most part of his career  have been associated with The Times of India group and worked with The Dharmyug, The Navbharat Times, Dainik Bhaskar and Naidunia. He was associated  as bureau Chief with leading national and regional TV channel such as Sahara Samay, GNN Satellite Channel.  His website has been running successfully for the last 14 years, promoting Hindi journalism and journalists. Simultaneously, He is  blogging for the last 6 years at http://prakashhindustani.blogspot.in  and have also been awarded amongst the Top 10 Hindi bloggers in the country by ABP News, and he war also awarded 'Parikalpana  SARK shikhar samman in Thimphu, Buthan, this year.  He has written a popular book on PM Narendra Modi's election strategy, which has been published in several Indian languages.

डॉ. प्रकाश हिन्दुस्तानी हिन्दी वेब पत्रकारिता के शीर्ष पत्रकारों में से है। हिन्दी के पहले वेब पोर्टल www.webdunia.com के वे संस्थापक-संपादक है।  पत्रकार, ब्लॉगर और 'मीडिया कार्यकर्ता' प्रकाश हिन्दुस्तानी ने माखनलाल चतुर्वेदी राष्ट्रीय पत्रकारिता एवं संचार विश्वविद्यालय, भोपाल से पत्रकारिता में स्नातकोत्तर और  देवी अहिल्या विश्वविद्यालय, इंदौर से इंटरनेट पत्रकारिता विषय पर पीएचडी की उपाधि प्राप्त की।   प्रिंट, टेलीविजन और वेब पत्रकारिता में 30 से अधिक वर्षों का अनुभव रखने वाले प्रकाश हिन्दुस्तानी ने प्रिंट में धर्मयुग, नवभारत टाइम्स, दैनिक भास्कर और नईदुनिया जैसे प्रतिष्ठित अखबारों में महत्वपूर्ण पदों पर अलग-अलग जिम्मेदारियां निभाई। इसके साथ ही उन्होंने राष्ट्रीय और क्षेत्रीय न्यूज चैनलों में ब्यूरो चीफ, एंकर और रिपोर्टर के रूप में काम किया।  प्रकाश हिन्दुस्तानी  के वेबसाइट prakashhindustani.com 14 वर्षों से हिन्दी पत्रकारिता को मुखरित करती आ रही है। उनका ब्लॉग prakashhindustani.blogspot.in को हिन्दी के दस प्रमुख ब्लॉग में माना गया है और इस ब्लॉग को कई सम्मान प्राप्त हो चुके है। एबीपी न्यूज ने इसे गत हिन्दी दिवस पर दिल्ली में बेस्ट ब्लॉगर्स अवार्ड और जनवरी 2015 में भूटान की राजधानी थिम्पू में हुई ब्लॉगर्स मीट में परिकल्पना साख शिखर सम्मान से सम्मानित किया गया था।  उन्होंने  प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के चुनाव की रणनीति  पर एक लोकप्रिय किताब लिखी है।

Dr. P. Jayaraman, Founder, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, USA

Dr. Panchapakesa Jayaraman, a renowned teacher and promoter of Hindi, has authored 26 books. He was honored by the President of India with Pravasi Bharatiya Samman in 2006, and a Padma Shri in 2009. Dr. Jayaraman came to the USA in November 1980 to establish a Bhavan’s branch in New York.  After leading Bhavan in USA for 28 years, Dr. Jayraman is currently working on 'Sant Vani' project.


Parveen Kumar

Praveen Kumar, Vice President (Business Development) of the State Bank of India, New York branch, has more than two decades of experience in various areas of banking operations, such as, operational, managerial and strategic administration, credit and trade, finance, system administration, project management, training and marketing and international banking. He holds an Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting from Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), United Kingdom, and a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Physics from University of Kerala.


Dr. Brij Mansi: An Educator and a Writer 

व्यवसाय से भाषा-शिक्षिका, स्वभाव व शौक से लेखिका (प्रकाशित एवम् पुरस्कृत), पिछले लगभग तेरह वर्षों से विदेशी छात्रों को अमरिका के पूर्वी और पश्चिमी प्रदेशों में हिंदी, उर्दु और अंग्रेज़ी पढ़ाने में रत |
भारत के हिमाचल प्रदेश में जन्म, देश के विभिन्न शिक्षण संस्थानों से विभिन्न शैक्षणिक उपलब्धियां | एम. फिल. शिमला से , चंडीगढ़ वि.वि. से अंग्रेज़ी साहित्य में पी. एच. डी., और उर्दु भाषा में एम. ए., तथा हिंदी-अंग्रेज़ी अनुवाद में स्नातकोत्तर डिप्लोमा | इंदिरा गांधी वि. वि. से डिसटैंस एजुकेशन में एम. ए; सी. आई. ई. एफ. एल.  हैदराबाद से अंग्रेज़ी शिक्षण में स्नातकोत्तर डिप्लोमा तथा ए.एस. आई. आर. सी. हैदराबाद से फ़ैलोशिप |
भारत में विभिन्न स्तरों और स्थानों में छात्रों को अंग्रेज़ी उर्दु और हिंदी पढ़ाने का अनुभव | स्वछंद लेखन और पत्रकारिता में विशेष रुचि ,कार्य, अनुभव, प्रशंशा और पहचान | चंडीगढ़ में एक समाचार -पत्र के लिए स्तंभ-लेखन | पहली लिखित पुस्तक का पंजाब राज्य सरकार द्वारा प्रकाशन और भारत के भूतपूर्व राष्ट्रपति द्वारा विमोचन | आजकल मोंटरे हैरल्ड में सामयिक लेखन |

A language teacher by profession, by nature and choice a writer( published and awarded one), has been teaching Hindi, Urdu and English to foreign learners of the East and the West coast regions of the United States for the past thirteen years.
Born in Himachal Pradesh in India, received education from different educational Institutions of the country. M.Phil from the H.P.U.Shimla; Ph.D in English, Masters in Urdu, and the Post graduate Diploma in Hindi-English Translation from the Punjab University Chandigarh. Another Masters in Distance Education from IGNOU, New Delhi. In Hydrabad, did the PGDTE from the CIEFL, and also received fellowship from the ASIRC, Hydrabad.
Taught Hindi, Urdu, and English for specific purposes at different levels and places in India. Appreciation and recognition in the creative world for the work as a published writer, poetess, translator, critique and freelance journalist.Wrote column for a Hindi newspaper in Chandigarh. First written book was published by the Punjab Government and was released by the former president of India. Currently busy teaching Hindi and developing curriculum, and occasionally contributing articles in the Monterey Herald, California.

Dr. Bijoy Mehta, Poet; President, Vishwa Hindi Samiti, New York

डॉ.बिजय कुमार मेहता ह्रदय रोग विशेषज्ञ के साथ एक सह्रदय भावुक और सफल कवि हैं। चार दशकों के अधिक समय से न्यूयॉर्क में अपनी चिकित्सीय व्यस्तता में रहते हुये भी आपका अपनी मातृभूमि भारत के प्रति इतना लगाव रहा है कि आपनें भारतीय संस्कृति,राष्ट्र प्रेम आदि भावनाओं को उत्प्रेरित करने वाले अनेक खण्ड काव्य  एवम् महाकाव्य लिखे हैं जिनमें " मधुमास के फूल," पुष्पांजलि" तथागत," "भिक्षुणी," "प्रणय परिजात,"सम्राट चन्द्रगुप्त को भारत एवम् अमेरिका दोनो ही देशों में विशेष सराहना मिली है। बिहार के भीखमपुर गाँव में जन्में डॉ.मेहता का ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमि पर आधारित "सम्राट चन्द्र" महाकाव्य उदात्त आदर्शो के सृजन का मानक बनकर उपस्थित हुआ है। इसका रूप काव्य नाटक का है।अतः इसका मंचन भी सम्भव है।


Dr. Navin C. Mehta

Born in a small port town of Mandvi in Kutch District, Dr. Navin C. Mehta came to The United States in 1974 after completing his basic and medical education in Mandvi, Bhuj, and Rewa in India. Dr. Mehta received fellowship in bead and neek surgery with New York Medical College affiliated hospitals in 1982-83. After which Dr. Mehta started his private and affiliation with New York Eye & Ear Infirmary.

Dr. Mehta, a leading authority in the field of Otorhinolaryngology is, among other things. Surgeon Director of Department of Otorhinolaryngology. The secretary of Medical Board. Board of Directors. Board of Trustees, and Faculty Member of Temporal Bone Laboratory of New York Eye & Ear Infirmary. He is Clinical Professor of Otorhinolaryngology at New York Medical College and Associate Attending Surgeon at Cabrini Medical Center. Practicing in New York as an Otorhinolaryngologist and an expert in neck, head and facial surgery, Dr Mehta has earned mainstream recognition in this highly specialized field. As chairman of the Medical Board of New York Eye & Ear Infirmary for 18 years, he is the first Indian in the 180 years history of the prestigious hospital to hold that position.
He has been associated with several Prestigious cultural and Charitable institutes, like Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan USA (Past Chairman-Trustee and Currently President of Trustee Committee), Share and Care, Gujarati Samaj of New York, AlA, AAPI, Gandhi Mandir, Jaina, Sanatan Mandir, ICS of NJ and ICA of CJ etc… in various capacities. He is also an affiliate of the Royal Society of Medicine by Royal Charter, London, England. He is also a Founding Trustee and Board of Director of Shree Dwarkadhish Temple, Sayreville, NJ and Gujarati Samaj of New York. He has been a Director of Shree Vraj Mandir since 1992. Dr. Mehta is also President of MAHAPI (Manhattan Association of Physicians from India -15 years). . Dr. Mehta is former Chairman of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan and currently he is President of Trustee Committee. Under his Chairmanship Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, USA in association with External Affairs Ministry successfully organized 8th World Hindi Conference which was a grand success. With inaugural session held in United Nations the conference projected strong case for the Hindi Language on the world platform.


Christi A Merill

Christi A Merrill is an associate professor of South Asian Literature and Postcolonial Theory at the University of Michigan, and author of Riddles of Belonging: India in Translation and other Tales of Possession (Fordham University Press, 2009). Her translations of the stories of Rajasthani writer Vijaydan Detha, Chouboli and Other Stories, co-published by Katha (New Delhi) and Fordham University Press (New York) won the 2012 A.K. Ramanujan Award. She recently spent the 2013-14 school year in India on a Senior Fellowship through the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Institute of Indian Studies researching her current book project, Genres of Real Life: Mediating Stories of Injustice Across Languages.



Mr. Dnyaneshwar M. Mulay, Consul General of India, New York (Inaugural Speaker)

Ambassador Mulay took charge as Consul General of India in New York on April 23, 2013. Born on November 5, 1958 in Kolhapur District of Maharashtra State (Western India), Ambassador Mulay is an award-winning writer in Marathi and Hindi. He joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1983.


VISHNU NAGAR विष्णु नागर

बचपन और छात्र जीवन शाजापुर(मध्यप्रदेश) में बीता।१९७१ से दिल्ली में स्वतंत्र पत्रकारिता आरंभ की।१९७४ ये १९९७ तक नवभारत टाइम्स के मंुबई और फिर दिल्ली संस्करण में विशेष संवाददाता समेत विभिन्न पदों पर काम किया।इसी बीच जर्मनी में डोयचेवैले की हिंदी सेवा में दो वर्ष तक संपादक रहे।१९९७ से २००२तक हिदुस्तान मेें विशेष संवाददाता रहे और बाद में कादंबिनी मासिक के २००८ तक कार्यकारी संपादक रहे।क़रीब दो वर्ष तक संडे नईदुनिया के संपादक रहे और क़रीब सवा तीन साल तक शुक्रवार समाचार साप्ताहिक के संपादक रहे।इस समय स्वतंत्र लेखन।

प्रकाशित कृतियाँ:
कविता संग्रह -मैं फिर कहता हूँ चििड़या,तालाब में डूबी छह लड़कियाँ,संसार बदल जाएगा,बच्चे,पिता और माँ,कुछ चीज़ें कभी खोई नहीं,हँसने की तरह रोना,घर के बाहर घर,जीवन भी कविता हो सकता है।
कहानी संग्रह-आज का दिन,आदमी की मुश्किल,कुछ दूर,ईश्वर की कहानियाँ,आख्यान,रात-दिन,बच्चा और गेंद,पापा मैं ग़रीब बनूँगा।
व्यंग्य संग्रह-जीव जंतु पुराण ,घोड़ा और घास,राष्ट्रीय नाक,देशसेवा सेवा का धंधा,नई जनता  आ चुकी है,भारत एक बाज़ार,ईश्वर भी परेशान है,छोटा सा ब्रेक।
उपन्यास- आदमी स्वर्ग में।
आलोचना: कविता के साथ-साथ।
लेख और निबंधसंग्रह: हमें देखतीं आँखें,आज और अभी,यथार्थ की माया,आदमी और उसका समाज,अपने समय के सवाल,ग़रीब की भाषा,यथार्थ के सामने।
सहमत संस्था के लिए तीन संकलनों तथा रघुवीर सहाय पर पुस्तक का असद ज़ैदी के साथ संपादन।सुदीप बनर्जी की कविताओं के चयन का संपादन लीलाधर मंडलोई के साथ।
मध्य प्रदेश सरकार का शिखर सम्मान,शमशेर सम्मान,व्यंग्य श्री सम्मान,शिवकुमार मिश्र स्मृति सम्मान,रामनाथ गोयन्का सम्मान पत्रकारिता के लिए समेत कई सम्मान।

Ashok Ojha, Yuva Hindi Sansthan, Hindi Sangam Foundation

न्यू जर्सी के एडिसन निवासी अशोक ओझा पेशे से पत्रकार और शिक्षक हैं। युवा हिंदी संस्थान के संस्थापक -सदस्य के रूप में 2010 से इसकी अध्यक्षता कर रहे हैं।  केन विश्वविद्यालय में स्टारटॉक हिंदी कार्यक्रमों की शुरुआत करने वाले अशोक प्रति वर्ष युवा हिंदी संस्थान के लिए भी अनुदान-प्रस्तावों को सफल अंजाम देते आ रहे हैं। पिछले तीन वर्षों से पेनसिलवेनिया के नॉर्थ पेन्न स्कूल जिले में हिंदी स्टारटॉक कार्यक्रम के माध्यम से सैकड़ों माध्यमिक और हाई स्कूल विद्यार्थियों को हिंदी शिक्षा प्रदान करने के साथ ही भारतीय समाज में हिंदी के प्रति जागरूकता फैलाने की अनवरत कोशिशें करते रहे हैं। उनके प्रयासों से के विश्वविद्यालय के अतिरिक्त मिड्डलसेक्स काउंटी कॉलेज और बेनसेलम स्कूल में हिंदी पाठ्यक्रम प्रारम्भ कर चुके हैं। साप्ताहिक साउथ एशियाई टाइम्स में नियमित लेखन के अलावा युवा हिंदी के लिए नयी शैक्षणिक योजनाओं को मूर्त रूप देने के लिए सक्रिय अशोक अमेरिका में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मलेन को वार्षिक रूप देने के लिए प्रयत्नशील हैं, और 2015 में रटगर्स विश्वविद्यालय में अगला सम्मलेन आयोजित करने में जुटे हैं।

Ashok Ojha, a New Jersey based journalist and teacher, is president of Yuva Hindi Sansthan and managing trustee of Hindi Sangam Foundation, NJ. He has been directing STARTALK Hindi programs since 2010, such as,STARTALK programs at Kean University (2010, 2011), YHS STARTALK Hindi programs at Bensalem, PA (2012) and Hatfield, PA (2013). A K-12 certified teacher for social studies Ojha taught Hindi at Middlesex County College, Edison, NJ and English as a foreign language in Yongan, Fujian, China in 2012. He writes for Hindi and English publications in USA and India including his own blog.

Shaheen Parveen

Shaheen Parveen joined Department of African Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Literatures  at Rutgers University in Fall 2013. She teaches Hindi and Urdu at Rutgers. Dr. Parveen earned her doctoral degree from Lucknow University, India, with a dissertation focused on retention of literacy, a field of study which she frequently applies to her current work as a lecturer committed to improving foreign language pedagogy at the university level. Dr. Parveen has successfully developed standards-based curricula for Hindi language teaching. These curricula are thematically organized, incorporate differentiated instruction and task-based lessons, and create technology-centered, student-centered learning environments. She employs these pedagogical tools and teaching materials to maximize opportunities to use the language in “real world” situations. She is an ACTFL- certified oral proficiency tester- rater for Hindi, and Trainer for Hindi-Urdu.  She has reviewed several Hindi and Urdu textbook manuscripts for various publishers. Before joining the Rutgers University,  Dr. Parveen was a Lecturer in Foreign Language  and served as the coordinator of South Asian Languages  at the University of Pennsylvania. She was also the director of the Hindi, STARTALK summer program at UPenn. She has taught Hindi and Urdu at Columbia University and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She also taught a course in  Early Childhood Teacher’s program at Kingsboro Community College in New York.

Teju Prasad

Teju Prasad is the lead developer of Four Rooms, LLC, creator of the “Hindi Script” app for learning the Devanāgarī letters and basic Hindi vocabulary. He has worked in app development for three years, releasing four apps into the app store, and has worked in technology for over 10 years.

Dr. Nilakshi Pukhan

Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, North Carolina State University

Dr. Nilakshi Phukan has been teaching Hindi-Urdu languages and South Asian literature and cultural courses at North Carolina State University since Fall 2011. She received her Masters Degree in Hindi Language and Literature from Dr. B R Ambedkar University, India. She did her Post Masters Degree in Linguistics and completed her Ph. D in Hindi Literature from the same university in 2006. She also worked as a Hindi-Urdu lecturer at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She served two years as a Hindi-Urdu instructor and coordinator at the University of Colorado at Boulder. She also taught intensive Urdu language courses to the soldiers of the Fort Bragg Military branch at NC State. Her research concentration includes Indian languages and literatures, South Asian cultures and literatures, linguistics, Bollywood movies and folk literatures of India. She has been currently teaching online and teleconference Hindi-Urdu language and literature courses through UNC online. She has received the Hindi-Urdu Club’s President’s Award for the outstanding contribution to advancing Hindi-Urdu languages at the NCSU campus. She was nominated for CHASS outstanding lecture award for 2014-15. She is the current advisor of different South Asian student organizations at NC state university. She has been serving as a board of directors in Hindi Vikas Mandal and the cultural secretary of Assam Association of North Carolina. She has been organizing different cultural activities at NCSU campus along with leading the student’s events and organizational activities.

She authored two books (Kunkhan Apun Bhumi?, Shishur Shreshtha Galpa) translated from Hindi to Assamese language. She was also the chief editor of the book "Grandmothers Tales" translated from Assamese language to English in 2014. She has been publishing several articles, journals, short stories, and poems in various newspapers and magazines. She had created 28 Hindi-Urdu conversational movies by using ACTFL (American Councils on the teaching of Foreign languages) proficiency and the movies are posted on NCSU mediasite (http://chass.online.ncsu.edu/online/Catalog/Full/f363f825ec884fa4bb00519a08f6bbf921/?state=hJPoFVPk0EELT0QJ10K0). She is currently working on a collaborative project between NC State and Duke University to create and develop advanced level online Hindi conversational materials for world language resources at Duke University.

Dr. Shailja Saksena, Ontario, Canada

I am a results-oriented person with strong experience in strategic planning, public relations and interdepartmental coordination. I am a CHRP CANDIDATE with thorough knowledge of Employment Standards Act, Human Rights Code and all the other related legislations. I taught Hindi Literature to Undergraduate students in University of Delhi, India for eight years.

Prof. (Ms.) Santosh Satya, I.I.T Delhi

Prof. Santosh Satya, did her PhD in Nuclear (Radio) chemistry from IIT Delhi in 1980 and joined the faculty of ‘Centre for Rural Development and Technology’ at IIT Delhi. Her current research areas include Sustainable Agriculture, Eco-friendly Grain Storage System, Food Quality and Safety for Holistic Health, Technology and Human Values. She has published ̴ 100 research papers (jointly) in International and National Journals. ̴ 25 PhD theses have been completed jointly under her supervision. Her expertise and dedication towards Hindi is reflected in terms of 25 research papers and 10 technology manuals/book chapters published in Hindi.

RekHa Sethi डॉ. रेखा सेठी

Dr. Rekha Sethi, Indraprastha College for Women University of  Delhi

Rekha Sethi is Associate Professor, Hindi, Indraprastha College for Women, Delhi University. Her main area of work is post-independence Hindi poetry and fiction. She is the author of Swatantryaottar Hindi Kahani: Vyakti aur Vyavastha ka Sambandh and Vigyapan Dot Com. She has edited Nibandhon ki Duniya by Hari Shankar Parsai andBalmukund Gupt, and co-edited Indu Jain’s Hawa ki Mohtaaj Kyon Rahoon, Kaaljayi Hindi Kahaniyan and Samay ke Sang Sahitya. She is also a critic and reviewer and has published reviews and articles in magazines such as Indian Literature, The Book Review, Hans, Naya Gyanoday, Samved, Poorvagrah etc. Email: reksethi@gmail.com

डॉ. रेखा सेठी ने दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के हिन्दी विभाग से एम.ए., एम.फिल तथा पीएच.डी. की उपाधि प्राप्त की। स्वातन्त्रयोत्तर हिन्दी कविता तथा कहानी उनके विशेष अध्ययन क्षेत्र रहे हैं। मीडिया के विविध रूपों में उनकी सक्रिय भागीदारी और दिलचस्पी रही है। ‘जनसत्ता’ में उनकी लिखी पुस्तक समीक्षाएँ नियमित रूप से छपती रही हैं। इनके अतिरिक्त ‘हंस’, ‘नया ज्ञानोदय’, ‘पूर्वग्रह’, ‘संवेद’, ‘सामयिक मीमांसा’, ‘संचेतना’, 'Book Review', 'Indian Literature' आदि पत्रिकाओं में भी उनके आलोचनात्मक लेख व समीक्षाएँ प्रकाशित हुई हैं। उनकी प्रकाशित पुस्तकों में प्रमुख हैं---
‘विज्ञापन डॉट कॉम’, ‘व्यक्ति और व्यवस्थाः स्वांतत्रयोत्तर हिन्दी कहानी का संदर्भ’, ‘निबन्धों की दुनियाःप्रेमचंद’(सम्पादित), ‘निबन्धों की दुनियाः हरिशंकर परसाई’(सम्पादित), ‘निबंधों की दुनियाः बालमुकुन्द गुप्त’(सम्पादित), ‘हवा की मोहताज क्यों रहूँ’ ;इन्दु जैन की कविताएँ, (सह सम्पादित), ‘कालजयी हिन्दी कहानियाँ’ (सह सम्पादित), ‘समय के संग साहित्य’(सह सम्पादित)। आजकल वे इन्द्रप्रस्थ कॉलेज के हिन्दी विभाग में एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर के पद पर नियुक्त हैं।
ई-मेलः reksethi@gmail.com

Dr. Harsh Bala Sharma  डॉ. हर्ष बाला शर्मा

Dr. Harsh Bala Sharma is an Assistant Professor in Department of Hindi at Indraprastha College for Women, University of Delhi. She has several  academic publications to her credit at both national and international platforms. She has served as Invited professor at University of Lausanne, Switzerland in 2014. Her area of specialization include Theatre and Linguistics. Being a Convener  she organized conference on Language and colonialism in March 2011.She has been a recipient of Distinguished Teacher Award by Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam in 2009. As a University topper She received Savitri Sinha Gold Medal and Maithili Sharan Gupt Puruskar. She completed her Major Research Project (UGC)based on Linguistics and theatre in 2013.  She is the author of  Bhartiya sahitya: Bhasha, Media and Sanskriti, Samkaleen Hindi Natak, Sanjhi sanskritik Virasat ke aaine me bhartiya sahitya, 21veen shati Aupniveshikta aur bhasha. Now a days she is busy in creative writing specially poetry and Kahani…

डॉ. हर्ष बाला शर्मा इन्द्रप्रस्थ कॉलेज, दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के हिंदी विभाग में सहायक प्रोफ़ेसर के पद पर कार्यरत है. उन्होंने राष्ट्रीय और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर विभिन्न अकादमिक कार्य किए है, हाल ही में (वर्ष २०१४)  लौजैन विश्वविद्यालय, स्विट्जरलैंड में बतौर विजिटिंग प्रोफ़ेसर उन्हें आमंत्रित किया गया.उनकी विशेष रुचि भाषा विज्ञान और नाटक के क्षेत्र में है तथा यू.जी.सी. प्रदत्त वृहद शोध परियोजना के अंतर्गत वे नाटक के  भाषा विज्ञान के समाज-मनो भाषा वैज्ञानिक विश्लेषण पर कार्य कर चुकी है.उन्होंने भाषा और औपनिवेशिकता विषय पर राष्ट्रीय सेमिनार का सफल आयोजन वर्ष २०११ में किया. विश्वविद्यालय में सर्वोच्च अंक प्राप्त करने हेतु उन्हें मैथिली शरण गुप्त सामान और सावित्री सिन्हा स्वर्ण पदक से सम्मानित किया गया. वर्ष २००९ में प्रसिद्द वैज्ञानिक डॉ. ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम के हाथों उन्हें विशिष्ट शिक्षक सम्मान प्राप्त हुआ. उनकी प्रमुख पुस्तकों में भारतीय साहित्य: भाषा, मीडिया और संस्कृति, समकालीन हिंदी नाटक, सांझी सांस्कृतिक विरासत के आईने में भारतीय साहित्य तथा २१वीं शती: औपनिवेशिक मानसिकता और भाषा शामिल है. अभी फिलहाल वे कहानी और कविता लेखन कर रही है.

Dr. Amita Tiwari
Title: Hindi Language assessor, Instruction Developer

Main area of work: Hindi language proficiency assessing, Curriculum developing and teaching for NFLC,SAIS,USAID,DLS,ICA,ICLS and other most of the educational institutions of Washington Metro area in person and distance assignments. Associated with Hindi language promotional activities, including poetry recitation and publication, and interpretation and translation services for prestigious institutions. Studied in HPU Shimla, with Ph.D. in theatrical studies, research- fellow in Indian Institute of Advanced Studies India. Four books and 28 research papers and scores of creative writings published in National and e- publications.
Honors bestowed: International Poet of Merit USA. Sahitya Shree, Mahila shree, State Award of Best teacher, Yoga vibhuti, India.


Prof. Keshari Lal Verma प्रो. केशरी लाल वर्मा

    प्रो. केशरी लाल वर्मा मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय के वैज्ञानिक तथा तकनीकी शब्‍दावली आयोग के अध्यक्ष पद पर कार्यरत हैं । साथ ही आप भारत सरकार के ही मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय के केंद्रीय हिंदी निदेशालय के निदेशक का पद भी संभाल रहे हैं।
    प्रो. वर्मा पंडित रविशंकर शुक्‍ल विश्‍वविद्यालय, रायपुर (छत्‍तीसगढ), भारत के प्रोफेसर पद पर नियुक्‍त हैं । विश्‍वविद्यालय के विभिन्‍न शैक्षणिक एवं प्रशासनिक पदों पर कार्य करने का उनका लंबा अनुभव है, यथा- संकायाध्‍यक्ष, कला संकाय; अध्‍यक्ष; साहित्‍य एवं भाषा-अध्‍ययनशाला; अधिष्‍ठाता छात्र कल्‍याण; समन्‍वयक, यू.जी.सी. कोचिंग स्‍कीम; प्रशासनिक अधिकारी, प्रबंधन संस्‍थान; जनसंपर्क अधिकारी; विशेष कर्तव्‍यस्‍थ अधिकारी, सामान्‍य प्रशासन; अध्‍यक्ष, भाषाविज्ञान अध्‍ययनमंडल, सदस्‍य, विश्‍वविद्यालय सभा, आदि ।
    प्रो. वर्मा को राष्‍ट्रीय स्‍तर की विभिन्‍न समितियों में सदस्‍य के रूप में कार्य करने का अनुभव है, यथा- हिंदी सलाहकार समिति, खान मंत्रालय एवं इस्‍पात मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार; सहायता-अनुदान-समिति, भारतीय भाषा संस्‍थान, आदि । केंद्रीय एवं राज्‍य विश्‍वविद्यालय, लोक सेवा आयोग, कर्मचारी चयन आयोग, आदि की चयन समितियों में भी सदस्‍य के रूप में कार्य किया है । साहित्‍य अकादमी की जनरल काउंसिल एवं भाषा विकास बोर्ड के सदस्‍य हैं । लेखक एवं संपादक के रूप में आप की प्रमुख कृतियाँ हैं - 'कार्यालयीन हिंदी', 'छत्‍तीसगढ की अस्मिता', 'लिंग्‍विस्टिक्‍स एंड लिटरेचर', आदि । अध्‍यक्ष, वैज्ञानिक तथा तकनीकी शब्‍दावली आयोग तथा निदेशक, केंद्रीय हिंदी निदेशालय के पद पर रहते हुए प्रमुख संपादक की हैसियत से तीन दर्जन से अधिक प्रकाशनों का कार्य भी संपन्‍न करवाया है । आप के निर्देशन में अस्‍सी से अधिक शोध-छात्रों ने एम.फिल. एवं पी-एच.डी. की उपाधि प्राप्‍त की है । लिंग्‍विस्टिक सोसायटी ऑफ इंडिया की कार्यकारिणी एवं प्रकाशन समिति के लंबे समय से सदस्‍य रहे हैं । आप ने मलेशिया, सिंगापुर, बैंकाक, दुबई, उज्‍बेकिस्‍तान, तुर्की, आदि देशों की शैक्षणिक यात्राएँ की हैं । हिंदी तथा भारतीय भाषाओं के संरक्षण, संवर्धन, विकास, तथा प्रचार-प्रसार जैसे महत्‍वपूर्ण कार्य में प्रो. वर्मा निरंतर कार्यरत हैं ।

Prof. Kesharilal Verma is presently serving as Chairman, Commission for Scientific & Technical Terminology, Ministry of Human Resource Development.  He has also been entrusted with the additional charge of Director, Central Hindi Directorate, Ministry of Human Resource Development.

Prof. Verma is appointed to the post of Professor in Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (Chhattisgarh). He has a vast experience of working on varied educational and administrative posts of the University, like Dean, Faculty of Arts; Head, School of Studies in Literature and Languages; Dean Student’s Welfare; Coordinator, U.G.C. Coaching Scheme; Administrative Officer, Institute of Management; Public Relation Officer; OSD, General Administration; Chairman, Board of Studies in Linguistics; Member, University Court, etc.  

Prof. Verma has extensive experience of working as member in different national-level Committees, like Hindi Advisory Committee, Ministry of Mines & Ministry of Steel, Government of India; GIA Committee, CIIL, etc. He has also worked as member of Selection Committees in various Central as well as State Universities, Public Service Commission, Staff Selection Commission, etc.  He is currently a member of General Council & Language Development Board of the prestigious Sahitya Academy (National Academy of Letters).  His major works in the capacity of a Writer and an Editor includes – ‘Karyalayeen Hindi’, ‘Chhattisgarh ki Asmita’, ‘Linguistics and Literature’.  While working in the capacity of Chairman, Commission for Scientific & Technical Terminology and Director, Central Hindi Directorate, he has also got the work of publishing more than three dozen publications completed as Chief Editor.  Till date more than 80 Research Students has attained their M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees under the guidance of Prof. Verma.  He has been a member of Executive and Publication Committee of Linguistics Society of India over a long period of time.  He has already been to Malaysia, Singapore, Bangkok, Dubai, Uzbekistan, Turkey, etc. on diverse educational tours.  Prof. Verma is persistently endeavoring towards promotion, propagation, preservation, and development of Hindi and other Indian languages.

Ashok Vyas, Program Director, International Television, NY

Ashok Vyas, a well known TV anchor at ITV, is a poet, Hindu priest, story writer and playwright. Prior to moving to USA in 1997, he had served with All India Radio for nearly 14 years. He produces TV programs on religious and cultural themes and hosts a one hour live show 'Insight Tonight with Ashok Vyas'.

जोधपुर, राजस्थान में जन्मे अशोक व्यास एक कवि ह्रदय, संवेदनशील टी वी प्रोग्रामर हैं। जोधपुर से मुम्बई में स्वतंत्र लेखन के लिए दो बरस रहने के बात १९९७ से अमेरिका में निवास करने वाले अशोक व्यास पिछले १५ बरसों से न्यू यॉर्क के आई टी वी पर विविध कार्यर्क्रमों द्वारा भाषा की सेवा का अवसर पाते रहे है। 


M J Warsi

M J Warsi, a well-known linguist and language pedagogue in the United States is the recipient of the prestigious James E. McLeod Faculty Recognition Award for the year 2012. He has been the recipient of UP Hindi-Urdu Literary A ward for the year 2011, namedas“unsung hero” by the University of California at Berkeley in 2005, a recipient of West Bengal Urdu Academy award for his book “Diploma in Computer Application and Multilingual DTP” in 2003. Dr Warsi presently teaching at Washington University. In the United Sates, M J Warsi, is making the study of South Asian linguistics and Hindi-Urdu more popular and viable. His recent discovery of a new dialect spoken in certain district of Bihar "Mithianchal Urdu" published by LinCom Europa (2014) is seen as a very valuable contribution in the area of Applied linguistics. Warsi, author of many books on South Asian Languages and linguistics is also the principal Investigator of an online project Intermediate Urdu which can be viewed at http://urdu.wustl.edu. Dr Warsi regularly contributes in national dailies on Indian cultural heritage.

Lakshmi Prasad Yarlagadda

The bio of Mr. Yarlagadda can be dowloaded as a PDF.