21st Century Hindi



FY24 Fulbright-Hays GPA Short Term Program (Project type 2)





Narratives of Diversity Performed through Storytelling and Encoded in Historical Architectural Sites


A unique opportunity to join a study tour to India’s historical sites, learn its culture, collect topic based materials, develop and disseminate teaching documents for K-12 Hindi learners. The program pays for all expenses of the study tour for participants. (Participants are not required to have a prior knowledge of Hindi but must be inclined to learn.)


Eligible applicants, please go to: https://tinyurl.com/fulbright-hays2024

In addition to filling and submitting the Google form, applicants must draft a personal statement (approx. 500 words) in Hindi or English about their career goals and how this program may impact their future career as well as a declaration form (draft provided) and email (WORD OR PDF) as attachments to:

fhs002024@gmail.com, cc: aojha2008@gmail.com





I, (NAME), an applicant for FY24 Fulbright-Hays GPA short Term Program, hereby declare that, if selected for this program, I will be responsible for meeting all expectations of the program and fulfilling on a timely basis all instructions assigned by the Academic or Program Director during the 18 months period of the program. I will work towards improving my linguistic and socio-cultural proficiency to at least one sub level up than the current level, as guided by instructors of the program. I understand that if I drop out of the program for any non-emergency reasons at any stage of the program I will be liable for paying penalties including a financial one, determined by the program leaders. Also the program leaders might inform the US Department of Education as well as my affiliated institution about my performances.


signed with date





An individual is eligible to participate in a GPA project if s/he is:

  • A citizen, national, or permanent resident of the United States; and

  • Currently employed full-time in a U.S. school system, institution of higher education,



Local Education Agency or State Education Agency (not applicable to students); and, at least one of the following:

  • A teacher in an elementary or secondary school;

  • A faculty member who teaches modern foreign languages or area studies;

  • An experienced education administrator responsible for planning, conducting, or supervising programs in modern foreign languages or area studies at the elementary, secondary, or postsecondary levels;

  • A graduate student or junior or senior in an institution of higher education, who is


a prospective teacher in the areas of social sciences, humanities and foreign languages. The student should meet the provisions set by his or her local and state education agencies.

     (Note: All GPA participants must be:

  • educators, students, pre-service teachers or administrators who fulfill the criteria   above and;

  • the selection criteria set by their respective projects and;

    • are currently teaching, studying, and/or administering in the eligible fields of humanities, social sciences, foreign languages, and/or area studies. (Area studies is defined as a program of comprehensive study of the aspects of a society or societies, including the study of their geography, history, culture, economy, politics, international relations, or languages.)



Restrictions on Participants

  • Preference should be given to candidates who have not previously received a


Fulbright award will get preference in selection

  • Individuals who are not currently employed full-time are not eligible.

  • Preference should be given to candidates who will not be retiring within the next 1-2 years.



Please don’t hesitate to contact the program director, Ashok Ojha 

by email fhs002024@gmail.com, cc: aojha2008@gmail.com 

or call him at 732-318-9891