21st Century Hindi


International Hindi Conference 2024 blue Resize.png

 Attendees to Sixth International Hindi Conference, The Consulate General of India, 3 East 64 Street, NY NY 10065  must reach the venue between 5-6 PM on Friday October 25, 2024 to attend the Inaugural event. Please show your ID at the door.

Theme: Hindi Instruction-Methodology and Technology

Hindi Sangam Foundation, a NJ-based non-profit organization established in 2015 for the purpose of promoting Hindi learning in the USA, in cooperation with the Consulate General of India, will organize the Sixth International Hindi Conference, 2024 on Oct 25-26 at the Consulate General of India premises in New York City.

The conference is being organized in collaboration with New York University Department of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Michigan State University South Asia Studies, Columbia University South Asian Studies, Yuva Hindi Sansthan, Shikshyatan Cultural Center, Akhil Vishwa Hindi Samiti, Sri Niketan Foundation and other community organizations.

In the past, Hindi Sangam Foundation collaborated with the Consulate General of India, New York (2016), as well as several universities such as New York University (2014), Columbia University, Rutgers (2014), and GITAM, Visakhapatnam, India (2017) to organize International Hindi Conferences. Hindi professionals and experts from Europe, Asia, the United States, etc. participated in these conferences.

सम्मेलन का विषय: हिन्दी शिक्षण-पद्धति एवं प्रौद्योगिकी

हिंदी संगम फाउंडेशन और भारतीय कोंसुलावास, न्यूयॉर्क, के सक्रिय सहयोग से आगामी 25-26 अक्टूबर को कोंसुलावास परिसर में छठा अंतरराष्ट्रीय हिन्दी सम्मेलन का आयोजन किया जा रहा है।

इस सम्मेलन को निम्नलिखित संस्थाओं का समर्थन और सहयोग प्राप्त है:

  • न्यू यॉर्क विश्वविद्यालय हिन्दी कार्यक्रम, कोलंबिया विश्वविद्यालय साउथ एशिया इंस्टिट्यूट, मिशिगन स्टेट विश्वविद्यालय दक्षिण एशिया अध्ययन संस्थान, अमेरिकन कौंसिल फॉर टीचिंग ऑफ़ फॉरेन लैंग्वेजेज, युवा हिंदी संस्थान, अखिल विश्व हिंदी संस्था, शिक्षायतन सांस्कृतिक संस्थान और श्रीनिकेतन फाउंडेशन, तथा अन्य।

सम्मलेन में अमेरिका, भारत, यूरोप तथा भारतीय मूल के लोगों के निवास वाले देशों, जैसे, मॉरीशस, फ़ीजी, गयाना और कैरिबियन देशों (डायासोपारा) के प्रतिनिधि अपने देशों में हिंदी शिक्षण की आधुनिक शैली और नई टेक्नॉलोजी के प्रयोग और शोध सम्बंधी प्रस्तुतियों के माध्यम से हिंदी शिक्षण के विश्व व्यापी विस्तार का मार्ग प्रशस्त करेंगे।


The Conference Coordinators & Support



Hon. Binaya S. Pradhan, Consul-General of India, New York.


Ashok Ojha, President, Hindi Sangam Foundation

Hon. Vishal Harsh, Head of Chancery, Consulate General of India, New York, NY

Additional Support

Mrs. Purnima Desai, Chairperson, Hindi Sangam Foundation

Mr. Upendra Chivukula, Chairman, Yuva Hindi Sansthan

Dr. Bijoya Mehta, Chairman, Akhil Vishwa Hindi Samiti

Dr. Mukund Thakkar, Aristarchus Care

Mr. Piyush Patel, Philanthropist


Certificate of Presentation/Participation:

If you participated in or made a presentation at the Sixth International Hindi Conference, NYC, Oct 25-26, 2024, and would like to receive a certificate, kindly email to internationalhindiconf@gmail.com 

We will send an electronic, generic PDF that you may print on your desired certificate paper. Please allow a two week time period for receiving it.



A Message to sponsors

A unique opportunity to showcase your accomplishments.

प्रायोजकों के लिए संदेश

अपनी उपलब्धियों को प्रदर्शित करने का एक अनूठा अवसर।

Hotel Stay in NEW YORK CITY

Dear participant,
We have contracted with Paramount Hotel located at 46 Street (Times Square) for your stay (oct 24-27, 2024) in New York City.

Please make your hotel reservation here:


Participants who need a room in NYC but haven't made reservations through the link on conference website may note:
Hindi Sangam Foundation has got some rooms at Paramount Hotel,235, 46 Street (Times Square) (oct 24-27, 2024) in New York Cityfor those for those who forgot to make online reservation. If you would like us to get you a room please email internationalhindiconf@gmail.com or aojha2008@gmail.com with your request as soon as possible (not later than October 20, 2024). 

Please note the hotel informed us that they will offer rooms with one large bed for $323.50 per night (single or double) as seen on the web site.


Last date for submission of paper:
September 5, 2024

Approval notification expected by:
September 15, 2024

Registration is Now Open:

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