21st Century Hindi



21st Century Hindi is where Hindi Language learning and teaching come together. Our aim is to prepare lifelong learners of Hindi according to 21st Century learning needs of Millennial learners. This site is the home of all Hindi language related activities led by Yuva Hindi Sansthan, Hindi Sangam Foundation and International Hindi Conference.

युवा हिंदी संस्थान, हिंदी संगम फॉउंडेशन और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिंदी सम्मेलन से सम्बंधित समस्त सूचनाएं 


 Call for Applications

2024-25 YHS-NYU Fulbright Hays GPA Short-Term
Hindi Language Curriculum Development Project

The Yuva Hindi Sansthan and the Hindi Program at New York University offer a unique opportunity to study,
improve, and develop Hindi languages skills and engage in collecting, organizing topic based audio,
visual and textual materials as resources for developing final thematic curriculum documents for Hindi learners.


Our Team of Dedicated Educators

Meet our dedicated team of teachers, assistant teachers, volunteers and staff that make our programs possible.

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Latest From The Blog


छठा अंतरराष्ट्रीय हिन्दी सम्मेलन
Sixth International Hindi Conference

न्यूयॉर्क स्थित भारतीय कोंसलावास, न्यूयॉर्क
The Consulate General of India, New York

अंक्टूबर 25-26, 2024
October 25-26, 2024

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